It was a relief for Acha community in Isukwuato LGA of Abia State when Prince Sunday Onyema and Onu Bartholomew Okechi respectively donated two satellites to enable the community receives Radio Biafra signals. The community when visited by Biafra Reporters last year December bitterly complained the inability of the community to get Radio Biafra on CHK. As part of the effort to reach all parts of Biafra land; Biafra Reporters promised to approach sons of the community with their complaint.
Acha Community is a vibrant community in the quest for the restoration of Biafra; the community has provided sons and daughters that are prominently placed in the agitation for the restoration of Biafra. Having a son in the media wing; in the person of Chima Onyekachi, a radical member of IPOB Igweocha in the person of Akpangbo and many others, not receiving Radio Biafra was a bitter thing to them as complained by the coordinator of the community.
The coordinator of Acha received the satellite with great happiness and thanked the donors in a special way, saying that only Chukwu Okike Abiama will pay them back. Going further; he said that for a long time now, the community has been dedicated, having their meetings, rallying every end of the year and reaching out to those in Diaspora to make them proud by staying committed to the quest for the restoration of Biafra.
“The satellite will be mounted in strategic places in the community with loud speaker where our people can come and listen every evening and follow up. Most of our people only hear of Uche Mefor but have never heard his voice but now they can hear his voice and be updated on the agitation which will soon be fruitful. We have five zones and we plan to make every zone have one satellite each; but starting with two is encouraging. They can come and go back after the program; now we are very much certain that we shall start worshipping on Radio Biafra”
The donors promised to do more for the community as the restoration of Biafra is the priority of every reasonable Biafran. They further urged people to come out and make sure their various communities participate sufficiently. “We have to take the gospel to the ends of the earth; it starts from where we are and our various communities” one of the donors said.
Biafra Reporters (Writers/Reporters for The Biafra Post) were highly appreciated for their professionalism and going beyond writing for the restoration of Biafra. Presenting self-processed red oil, sugar cane and other farm harvest to the deligates, the coordinator of Acha community promised never to disappoint and assured that Acha will always be good-to-go.