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How Technology Is Making The World A Better Place


Education has received huge boost from the advances in today’s technological society. It would take about 20 – 50years peviously
for information to circulate the world from pioneering socieites. These days within few seconds anyone can witness and experience the same feeling people in the same location would experience educating the world in a timely manner to embrace newer approach to doing things.


The world is becoming highly interactive, from cell phone technology to internet chats and mobile messaging more and more people from ends of the planet are meeting with one another and communicating thus distance barrier is breached. Communication is not swift anymore. It is instant more and more people are moving into instant messaging thanks to advances in technology.

Aviation and Navigation:

Very sophisticated hi-tech aviation systems are unfolding with dynamics that have made early inventions in the aviation system obsolete. From solar planes to self driven planes that can navigate and pilot themselves using technology of GPS tracker. Aeroplanes are now been deisgned for the futuristic world that can drive themselves, navigate themselves through air corridors – this is huge.

Banking and Commerce:

Technology is replacing paper currency one of the most important inventions of mankind since trade began on earth. Paper currencies and coins are been re-interpreted as mere data making transactions swift and safe eliminating the risks associated with transfer of huge amounts in paper and currency.

Within seconds it’s possible to execute trade agreements regardless of distance make payments and get goods and services delivered all thanks to technological advancements.

Countries round the world are beginning to prepare for a world without the need for paper currencies anymore where digits replaces data payment systems like Bitcoin, Western Union, Visa, MasterCard, Money Gram have replaced the idea of paper currency successfully without glitches.


Immense developments have changed the traditional systems used in the extractives industry for example,mineral deposits deep within the earth can be discovered and extracted with ease. The petroleum industry has benefitted from fracking that is widely been embraced to boost oil production across countries previously assumed had no more crude oil. Not just crude oil geochemical processes are being utilized in determining the kind of minerals thousands of kilometers beneath the earth’s surface just by examining the soil structure just a few meters deep.


Previous generations received very little benefits compared to the 21st century. Recent technological advances have made totally obsolete the concept of a few storey structures. The population of an entire city in the 18th century can fit into an high rise structure providing more housing for more people and providing much needed land for other
purposes like municipal development and agriculture. More and more countries are setting aside budgets for urban cities to provide very sophisticated housing projects even for unborn generations-all thesee have not been seeen before now.

Thanks to the shifts and advances in technological innovation the world is fast becoming a better place indeed.

Anambra man of the year award

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David Olorunsiwa is a student of kogi state university studying business administration and a very passionate blogger. you can contact through this 08132909269

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