land tenure system to fit nomads who may or may not be Nigerian citizens. Has the world gone mad Nigeria should not change to fit Fulani herdsmen, instead it is Fulani herdsmen that should change to fit Nigeria! The Grazing Commission Bill is an insult to all the victims of the herdsmen. Peace can only be achieved if those who want to herd cattle set up ranches as is done everywhere else in the world! The cattle herding business is a private enterprise. It should not be the business of the government to use public land and public funds to promote the group interest of Fulani herdsmen.
Let me assure any federal legislator that is foolhardy enough to support this Bill that Senators and Representatives from states where Fulani herdsmen have killed innocent Nigerians should forget their reelection if they support the Grazing Commission Bill! .Infact they should forget it!

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