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Sultan to lead prayer for Buhari, Southern Kaduna

The Sultan of Sokoto and President-General of the Jama’atu Nasirl Islam (JNI), Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar III, will, on Sunday, lead a special prayer session for the quick recovery of President Muhammadu Buhari and an end to the Southern Kaduna crisis.

Secretary-General of JNI Khalid Aliyu Abubakar and the Chairman, Kaduna State branch of Council of Imams and Ulama, Sheikh Baban Tune, addressed a news conference yesterday.

They said: “It is a religious duty for us to work together to seek Allah’s intervention to relive us of these ailing moments.

“Preparation is on and come Sunday, the prayer will hold in Kaduna. We pray it brings the state out of this quagmire bedeviling the country and may He grant our president good health to come back and continue steering the country’s ship.

“May Allah relieve the state of this cancer of violent conflicts and bring relive to the Northeast and other parts of the country where we have such skirmishes.”

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Damilola is a full time journalist/writer/freelancer and blogger.

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