According to Actu Conakry, a Guinean publication, a Nigerian by name Ferdinand Conté has been held over the death of a twenty-one-year old
Guinean girl Mademoiselle Kadiatou Sow, after a rendezvous at a hostel, Akouna Matata, well known as a place for prostitution.
Under questioning, Conteh said a fight broke out with Sow over her refusal to engage in sex, having stolen the sum of approximately N200,000 naira from his pocket while he went to take his bath. During the fight, according to Conteh, a wardrobe fell on Sow, killing her.
Gendarmes in Conakry do not believe Conteh, thinking he must have killed the prostitute, so he is being held for questioning over the matter. Here are the photos of Sow.