NEW ARTICLE: Igbo People Are The Most Peaceful And United Race, Jealous By Hausa-Fulanis And Yorubas- Comrade Chukwu Ogbu
Article Written and submitted By Comrade Chukwu Ogbu a political scientist and Activist
It is a fallacy and ironical to say that Igbo peopledo not love themselves. In fact Igbo people are the most united and peace-loving race. That is why they live in harmony and harbor other race without prejudice. For example: in most Igbo communities the Hausa-fulani people are given a portion where they do their business activities without having any issues most of this parts are called Gariki or Ama Hausa ( meaning community of Hausas) and it is in most, if not all state in Igboland. You will never hear a news or report of arson or burning down of these shops and markets. But in Northern parts, the igbo do not have peace of mind, they do not walk as free people, they are always isolated and their shops always burnt down at will, records accounts that the most populous igbo market in the North called Sabo-gari is always targeted if there is any dispute or act of disagreement be it igbo and huasa, or hausa and hausa.
Igbo people anywhere they found themselves always engage in family meetings to show how united they are. The ones that made their way to Diaspora to seek for green pastures always come back to pick their brothers and loved ones that is why in any parts of the world where you go and you fail to see an Igboman, then you know that the place is not good for habitant.
The truth is that Igbo politicians are the one that are making bad impressions against igbo people as not united and peaceful, the politicians whom fight themselves dirty hoping to use the igbo masses as bait get nothing in return but disappointment and disgrace.
An average Hausa-yoruba man knows that the Igbo are the most peace loving people. That is why on December last year when the Nigeria army launches her miscalculated operation python dance, it was not welcomed as it receives a huge criticism.
However, it is the uniformity of Igbo race that prompts the widespread agreement of Biafra struggle. Igbo people believes in the power of IGWEBUIKE (UNITY IS STRENGTH), that is why Biafra struggle can never be stopped or thwarted by any ethnic group or people.
I keep wondering how anyone could sheepishly say that Igbos don’t love themselves, others are jealous about Igbo people for how united and together they come all the time. When something happen to one of them, they would come together and assist. I have seen people from other tribes buried here in Igboland when they died, but when an Igbo person die in the north or even in far distance Europe they must gather and take the body home in solidarity.
the unity of Igbo people can never be seen in other tribes in Nigeria. An Hausa or Yoruba rich man would never do anything to help their poor and destitute ones , they would rather give such people 20 Naira every time they sees them, that is after they must have greeted them tire.
no wonder Lagos and Northern states have the highest poverty index rate in Nigeria.
The agitation for Biafra is anchored on unity, despite killing them in mass, they are not moved or deterred, they remain in resolute spirit, they remain fiercely loyal obeying chains and unity of commands. For The sake of unity and peace of Igbo people the Indigenous of Biafra choses to pursue Biafra restoration with the most peaceful approach, despite when the outlaws Nigeria armed forces are using force of arms against them provoking them to pick up arm against the government, they keep resisting the temptations to prove that peace and unity is what holds them together.