What could be responsible for this? A married said he’s in a dilemma and needs help….
I need help and ideas on how best to handle this situation I found myself in.
Two days ago, I received a call from a hidden number and the caller whose voice I could not recognize told me to monitor my home well because things are falling apart in my absence.
The caller also advised me to stop eating my wife’s food for now unless I want to die.
That I should stay away from her food and her bed and I tried to find out who I was speaking with but the person cut the call. It was a male voice.
I have been confused ever since.
My wife has been a good person and a serious church member so I find it hard to see where and what the call came from and what the caller was implying. Asking me to stop eating her food means that she is probably seeing someone else but I don’t want to believe that my wife is capable of such evil.
Honestly I dont know what to do but I have decided to do some investigation… I love and trust my wife but it is only a foolish man who will hear such a thing and fold his hands.
But I still want the opinion of people. How should I handle this situation?.