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Residents of Ebonyi Community in Panic as Explosive is Discovered... See Police Report

A weird object believed to be a landmine from the Nigerian civil war that ended 47 years ago, has been discovered in a local community in Ebonyi state, which has caused panic among the residents.

According to the Nigerian Police, when the object was discovered at a river bank in Onu Ezeukwu Uzor, Okposi, in Ohaozara Local Government Area of the state, residents fled the community as they suspected it was an improvised explosive device, IED, recently planted to cause havoc.

It was gathered that residents of the area had scampered for safety following the discovery of the object, as some of the residents had relocated from the area for fear there could be other suspected bombs in the community.

However, fears were allayed on Monday after an analysis by the police bomb squad revealed the object was a civil war relic.

Jude Madu, the spokesperson of the police in the state, said the object was taken for examination at the Police forensic headquarters in Abuja.

“The Police Command on getting the information immediately went to the area and collected the object and took it to our Forensic headquarters in Abuja for analysis.

“The analysis has been concluded and from our findings, it was one of those landmines that was planted during the civil war. Our headquarters have directed that it should be destroyed and it has been destroyed by our bomb section,” Madu said.

He said the police had combed adjoining areas for more of the objects but had discovered none. “We have conducted a search to know if similar objects can be found in the area and every other parts of the state and we have not seen any other one.

“Some of these things couldn’t detonate in their time. This particular landmine fell into the river and the river continued to move it round until it got to the river bank and somebody saw it and alerted the police. So, it was not a planted bomb,” Madu said.

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Damilola is a full time journalist/writer/freelancer and blogger.

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