The Federal Govt move to have the Taiwanese Trade office (which has been doubling as a covet embassy) relocate from Abuja to Lagos is not solely aimed at accessing Chinese loans and financial investments but is a tacit support for the “one China policy” which the incoming Trump administration is not so keen to abide to.
The Buhari led FG will be hoping on future Chinese reciprocation in the inevitable event of a Biafran successful seccession.
Already, the Buhari govt had been highly proactive in getting Equatorial Guinea into an alliance against terrorism in the NE alongside Chad, Niger, Benin and Cameroun. Equatorial Guinea at first glance is far and removed from the war ravaged NE but that didn’t stop the buhari govt in soliciting the tiny nation’s support. The war on boko haram was just a smoke screen to get Equatorial Guinea (which is strategically located off Nigeria’s SE coast) into a pre-planned onslaught on Niger Delta region and to isolate the SE Biafran states in the event of a secessionist declaration.
You must all remember that these same so called patriots sold bakassi to Cameroun in order to get France to stop supporting Biafra during the civil war.
As things stand now, Buhari’s expulsion of Taiwan from Abuja is meant to covet China’s support for a one indivisible Nijeriya.
If Biafra must come and the future jihad halted in the oil rich Niger Delta, we in the better south (SS/SE) must begin to have a strong international diplomatic lobby group.
We are beyond the era of sensitizing our people as only a fool will still cling to the belief of a united Nijeriya. Now is the time to take the agitation to the world stage

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