Can a man live without the GOD?
This is the case of an igbo atheist popularly called udummiri nwaka who has frequently rebuke christainity and all forms of religion with a view that Christainity in particular as a religion was imposed on the blacks by western for act of slavery, domination and exploitation.
Udummiri however claims he is a strong believer of Christianity as at late 2000-2014 before he received a call to go back to his ancient igbo tradition insisting that it’s the best and original religion which every nwafor igbo should embrace.
Udummiri affirms that the word GOD was coined by the westerns and significantly means nothing in its totality context. According to him, he claims there ancestors never called there creator GOD until the western civilization. I wonders why people are meant to believe in the superstition that there is someone sitting at heaven watching over us he said. He further publish a post on his facebook handle handle which read thus:
There are no such thing as “gods” anywhere, be it Egyptian, African, calabar or Hausa gods.
All of these are nonsense, our ancestors who created these energies you call gods never called them gods,it’s in the course of translating a non translatable African concept into English language that the misconceptions are born. in fact its the English people that thought us to call them gods not even our ancestors who created them.in igbo language for example these energies are called arusi or agbara,this is totally different from the idea of “chukwu” or “chineke”,but when translated into English language it becomes “gods” thus the original concept have changed completely. it’s also the white man that introduced the clauses “ife Alusi” and “ife chineke” into igbo language and other African languages. These clauses are relatively new with religious roots.
Though these energies are somehow supernal but they don’t function without the assistance of man wich created it.when I here people ask questions like “where were African gods when the white man came?” It sound stupid to me for there were no such things as gods in Africa. Spiritualism is totally independent on gods or God if you really understand what it is all about.
To them who preach spirituality here on Facebook, stop telling people about gods for there are no gods anywhere, igbos call it agbara,yoroba has a name for it and so do other African languages,its the white man that called it gods not our people.
the use of the word “gods” in your posts give a different concept to the subject, just call it what your people called it for there are no English words for them.
Arusi is arusi not gods.if the white man can’t pronounce it let him go to hell.
Udummiri takes his believe into another level when he tore a bible yesterday and posted it in his facebook handle along with the post:
Bible say this, Bible say that, can’t you think without the Bible. Your brain is obviously useless as without the Bible you can’t make any point. What if I tell you I use the Bible for toilet?
Another post equally captured from his handles read thus:
Britain I am no longer afraid of the ? book you used to enslave my people, I tore it in the public today, I have proven to many that it’s just a book and words of men. On this day I liberated thousands of people from fear and chains. I am a proud fighter, we must continue to fight modern day colonialism.
Coming to scientific reasoning udummiri says:
this world is a well planned reality, the planner of this earth knows the best for humanity by dividing us into languages, cultures, races and suitable environments.
listen we are not just humans, humans are of types, with diffrent spiritual components, I do not care of what science might have thought you.I have seen and experienced things that has made me believe that science is far from the truth, science is more interested in what it can explain tha;n what it can’t and I choose to call this science an “alien science” for I know that this is not really what science would have been if we had handled it in our own styles.
what makes a people distinguishable from the rest is their nature, their nature comprises their language, culture, race and their environment. Their nature is the unwritten law The one wich created them is using to hold them.for example, an igbo man speaking the German language will sound as odd as the German trying to speak igbo for the two are crossing some natural boundary. igbo language is just created for the igbos, whatever they use the language to communicate will be understood with ease,when they leave this language to use another, they are breaking the law and it attracts some natural punishment.
Their cultures are just meant for them, the one wich gave them this culture know how necessary it is for their survival. When they leave leave this culture to embrace another, they are breaking a natural law and there is punishment for that.
the race you have is for easy adaptation to your environment so do not hate.
lastly, the environment your nature gave you is necessary for your survival, all that is contained in it is there for a very vital purpose.
Language, race,culture and environment are the laws governing every people. the European are forcing Africans to brake these laws, they have used religion, education ,media and every available means to force our people to abandon all that nature gave them for their survival and today we are suffering the punishment.
Igbo people and black people cannever unite or even fight their common enemies nor progress unless they return back to exactly who their nature says they are.
I know I have a very few decades to spend in this world but I will continue to spread the message till am gone.
He equally debunk science saying:
Science in Africa would have taken a total different dimension, if not the disruption caused by our colonization. For example, if we had built our education institutions ourselves, some of the things we consider superstitions today would have been proven beyond doubt and even treated as facts in our schools today.the use of African languages to tackle science would have made it very easy for Africans to understand and define subjects from their own perspectives ,for instance, I gave you an example yesterday, our ancestors built some supernatural energies,( I personally know how to build one) and called it arusi. This things are build to perform some services to the society. The English people came and called it gods, today we are also calling it gods,in fact, in our minds we no longer look at it from our own perspectives instead we do that from the perspectives of the English people. we are now seeing it how the Bible see it instead how naturally we are supposed to see it.arusi is not something built to be worshiped rather just something built to perform some functions in the society. But because the Bible and the English people call it gods we are also calling them gods and seeing them as gods today. Do you see how adopting someone’s language can destroy your cognitive abilities?
Force all the Europeans to speak igbo today, I tell you in about 300years time you will find them poor education wise.
I stopped relying on what they call “science” for every knowledge I need when I noticed that their own science is always shying away from what it can’t explain. Its always trying to reduce all human experiences to simple chemistry.
believe me some of the theories they made us (especially the atheists) accept as facts will be disproved if we can rise to look into some mysteries arround us.
UDUMMIRI says he is not an atheist, but a believer of his ancestors who embraces the custodians of igbo culture and tradition. He has this to say:
I seem to be emphasizing too much on spirituality but I have to for many still not understand the essence.
some say they are atheists, do not believe in the unseen but science. But these atheists have no idea what science underwent to become what it is today. They know not of the foundation.
they were born to meet the television in an advanced state, some have seen the various stages of evolution it underwent to become what it is today yet still evolving.
some Africans believe that spirituality is something primitive and unnecessary to today’s world-but with this post am set to kill the atheism in them for atheism in Africa have gone beyond disbelieving in the gods of religion to disbelieving in vital ancient knowledge necessary for our empowerment.
I am set to expose the link between spirituality, science and technology.
The one who created us and gave us this land, and all that is contained in it know the best for us.
There are men who lived in this land thousands of years ago,there are men who lived hundreds of years ago and all who lived all generation past,some have reincarnated.they are the people we call our ancestors.
they are the Pathfinders of this land for they know the length and breadth of this land and all that is contained within it.they know the mysteries in this land and are ready to help us unlock them only if we will return back the way we were created in the beginning.
Now may I expose the foundation of modern science and modern technologies.today, through spiritual inspiration and the use of divination, the dibia is able to find many cures for various sicknesses (though their efforts are ignored) after he made this discovery, if literate, he may decide to write down the herbs, roots and the method of processing and ministration to the patients. He may write this down and give it to his son.many years after this man had died, his son may pick this paper oneday, read to see those listed herbs,method of processing and ministration. If this boy follow the instructions in the paper, he will surely produce this medicine then give it to the sick,if it proves effective then it becomes knowledge to the boy and he will pass it to subsequent generation who will also learn it through training and no longer spirituality.
hundreds of years later, this medicine become advanced, solving the problems of millions, science takes the glory. The people who live then have no idea that the first man who invented this medicine was spiritually inspired to have made such uncommon move,he has unlocked a mystery forever.all they know now is science not the foundation wich is spirituality.
Brothers,that is how all technologies came to be today.:the automobile was invented in the year 1885,helicopter -1903,and the first calculator came to be in 1642.these are eras when the whites were still spiritual in their own styles. Through the spiritual consciousness of the mind,inspirations were born, men received rare messages(spirituality) ,those messages were put to test (science ) and the test led to inventions (technology) .
Today the present generation do not need spirituality anymore for their ancestors has unlocked basic mysteries from wich others are to be unlocked easly.they have laid the foundation of today’s science and technology, infact science now take the glory instead of the foundation which is spirituality. Subsequent generations need only to modernise.
Spirituality is the source of all uncommon ideas, the car you see today was once an uncommon thought in a conscious spiritual mind (spirituality) ,the thought put into work (science) ,and the work led to invention (technology) .
This is what would have happened to Africans if they hadn’t come with their evil religions.all our people had when they came have been precluded from revolving.
today, Africans are either religious or atheistic, the whole continent is full of animals in human form.
In summary, our.people need to wake up and stop comparing themselves with Europeans whose ancestors have paved way for. Their spiritual ancestors did it for them so they no longer need spirituality.
as for us we are still at the scratch therefore need to open up our minds to connect and collect from our ancestors and lay the foundation for subsequent generations.until we have returned back to who our nature made us originally, we will remain powerless to our enemies and useless to our environment. I believe in my ancestors. Am not atheist.
Kenechukwu Okoye Like that ?? @ Nwali Chidubem Don Chris
Ada Biafra Zioner God will visit you
Kenechukwu Okoye If you are still worshiping that idol that was forced on your ancestors,
Then you will still have to be free again when Biafra comes cos worshiping what you don’t know without knowing, is similar to slavery.
Ada Biafra Zioner Sorry. You are a misnomer
Biafra Emmanuel Obioma Africans have been enslaved for decades with the bible. They can’t think without quoting the bible. I partially support him. It goes to show that he or we are ready to format our minds of mental enslavement.
Dominica Godwin If your in your in, if ur out your out, there’s nothing like partially supporting him
Evang Onyekachi Orinya My brother you are getting it all wrong, may be you are misinformed about the bible. I believe you are a follower of our leader Nnamdi Kanu, he never condemned the bible but the character of those that brought it. Please for your own good stop this, so you don’t incure the wrath of God upon your self and your generation to come
Anurika Osigwe Onyekachi Christians burn down shrines and praise themselves for doing that!
Now someone destroyed their buybull and they crying.
Why defending your god? …See More
Evang Onyekachi Orinya My dear am not here to insult anybody I just advised him, he is my brother ok
Kenechukwu Okoye Which God!??
I ask! Are you trying to tell me that your great grandfather don’t acknowledge that there is a supreme power or being called Chukwu?
Akachukwu Bright guy i don’t support this evil don’t play with bible no matter what
Anurika Osigwe Akachukwu Christians burn down shrines and praise themselves for doing that!
Now someone destroyed their buybull and they crying.
Why defending your god?
Chioma Emenike Why did god slept with Joseph wife Mary, to conceive jesus rice. ?
But he created a law. .thou shall not commit adultery.…
Dominica Godwin So you still believe in ancient god, if you have choose your part to worship omenala pls don’t discourage anybody from believing the Bible and stop calling it buybull since you don’t believe in it. there’s no need to insult ones believe.