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Ondo: Ibrahim urges calm over court’s verdict on PDP ticket

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship aspirant in Ondo State, Jimoh Ibrahim, on Thursday urged his supporters to be calm over Wednesday’s appeal court judgement which declared Eyitayo Jegede the authentic candidate of the party in Saturday governorship election in the state.

In a statement he issued in Okitipupa, Ibrahim urged his supporters not to join issues with anyone on the matter.

The governorship aspirant expressed confidence that he would get justice at the Supreme Court.

“We have nothing to lose as the Supreme Court will sit on the case on Friday. We shall get justice and if PDP wins Saturday’s election, we shall have our four years mandate to rule Ondo State,” the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) quoted the businessman as saying in the statement.

“Let me advise you not to abuse anyone or fight over this one day ruling, which was paid for from the state treasury.

“Mimiko will not succeed himself with Jegede. This is too sure, let’s continue with our work and remain in our great party, the PDP.”

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