There is a suggestion that the herdsmen be educated on the importance of the nomadic practice of moving cattle from one place to another that is common among Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria has led to violent clashes between the herdsmen and farmers but the end of these confrontations doesn’t seem to be near.
This is because the idea of providing permanent grazing reserves for herdsmen to prevent them from roaming with their cattle from the northern part of the country to the largely agrarian south is not welcomed by some herdsmen who feel their right to movement is going to be infringed.
In a report published by Daily trust, some herdsmen and milk sellers expressed displeasure at the idea of restricting their movement and claimed cattle could not survive restrictions. A herdsman, Muhammadu Tukur said the idea of a permanent reserve will not work.
“It will not work out because we always relocate to where pasture can be found.”
Adamu Birniwa who is the secretary of the state chapter of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association said he was aware of the federal government’s plan. There was plan to educate the herdsmen on the importance and benefit of the grazing reserve.
Halilu Alhaji Ya’u who is a herdsman condemned the idea and said it would not work. “If what you are saying becomes reality, it will inconvenience us.”