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Fulani's arrogance fuels Biafra agitation-Chief Onyike

Fulani’s arrogance fuels Biafra agitation-Chief Onyike

The former Commis­sioner for Informa­tion in Ebonyi State, Chief Abia Onyike, has said that the resurgence of the struggle for the creation of Biafra state was as a result of several decades of political impunity and marginalisa­tion unleashed on the Igbo race.
Delivering a paper at a lec­ture in Awka, Chief Onyike said, “Naked arrogance by the Hausa-Fulani-Yoruba hegemonists, who have dominated the affairs of Ni­geria since the 1966 Military Coup has also caused spon­taneous resurgence for the actualisation of Biafra.
He said this impunity paved way for the first phase of Igbo genocide between 1966 and 1970 during which over 3.1million Igbos were massacred.
“This was followed by over thirty years of northern dominated military dicta­torship which ruled Nigeria till 1999 with the Yorubas acting and playing the role of second fiddle in a well-or­ganised monolithic federal­ism, which was tilted against the Igbos and other ethnic nationalities in the old East­ern region”, said Onyike.
He said the impunity con­tinued with post-civil war anti-Igbo riots which led to the massacre of Ndigbo in Kano in 1980, Maidugri in 1982, Yola in 1984, Gombe in 1985, Kaduna in 1986, Bauchi in 1994, Damboa in 2000, Apo-Six in 2005 and deportation of 67 Igbos by Lagos State Government under former Governor Raji Fashola (SAN) in July 2013.
The former Ebonyi com­missioner called Ndigbo to be wary of the current mar­riage between the Yorubas and the Hausas-Fulanis, which has made the Yor­ubas to defend “the uncon­scionable atrocities of the new Hausa-Fulani-Yoruba hegemony”.


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