EXPLOSIVE!!! British Official Report Of 1874 Clearly Shows That Kalabari Is BIAFRA – Asari Dokubo
Why we must research and dig out authentic documents about our past. British official report of 1874 clearly shows that Kalabari is BIAFRA – Asari Dokubo.
It will interest us to note that in this 1874 British report New Calabar ( Kalabari),Bonny,Opobo and Okrika are said to be situated in the Bight of Biafra.
Consul Livingstone
Now let us look at the British, and they will not be difficult to reckon, for I never knew more than ten residing at one time at Fernando Po, and they were all in Santa Isabel.
Mr. Charles Livingstone, brother of Dr. David Livingstone, was British Consul here, and was, in all respects, a gentleman that our nation may be proud of.
Rather than his morality should be even suspected, he refused all females as servants, and had boys to wash his clothes, cook his meals, and perform all household duties.
While writing this, I hear in November, 1873, that he has recently died on his voyage from West Africa to England.
— Charles Livingstone was appointed Consul at Fernando Po, October 17, 1864 ; and Consul in the Territories on the West Coast of Africa comprised within the Bight of Biafra, and