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Global Company, PolitIQ Limited Launches Comprehensive Educational Platform for Politicians

In a groundbreaking initiative, PolitIQ Limited has unveiled a wide range of courses and services designed specifically for politicians. The platform, created by politicians for politicians, aims to enhance governance and leadership skills.

The courses cover various aspects of political operations, including legislative processes, budgeting, and governance. Some of the courses offered include:

Councillor Courses:

• The Legislative Process and Constitutional Roles of Local Government Councillors

LG Chairman Courses:

• Leading Local Governance as Local Government Council Chairman

• Effective Local Governance in a Federal Democracy: Structure, Roles, and Collaborative Dynamics

HoAssy Courses:

• Understanding the Legislative Process in the State House of Assembly

• Understanding the State Budget Process and the Roles of Members of the State House of Assembly

• Understanding the Role of the State House of Assembly in the Budget Process

• Navigating Legislative Procedures in the State House of Assembly

• Mastering Bill Drafting for Legislators

HoRep Courses:

• Day-to-Day Legislative Operation in the House of Representatives

• Understanding the Plenary Session in the House of Representatives

• Understanding the Activities of the House of Representatives Beyond Plenary Sessions

• The Roles of Presiding and Principal Officers of the House of Representatives and How they were Elected

• Journey of Bills in the Legislative Process – From Bill Conception to Law

• How to Raise Motions, Create and Pass Bills as a House of Representatives Member

Senator courses:

• Understanding the Nigerian Senate: Structure, Roles, and Unique Features

• Understanding the Operations of the Senate Beyond Plenary Sessions

• The Legislative Process in the Senate from Bill Conception to Becoming Law

• The Roles of Presiding and Principal Officers in the Senate

• The Organization and Administration of the Plenary Session in the Senate

• Legislative Process in the Senate – From Raising Motions to Presidential Assent

• Legislative Operations of the Senate

Governor/President Courses:

• Understanding the Roles of the Chief of Staff and Secretary to the State Government in a Presidential Democracy

• Understanding the Roles of the Chief of Staff to President and Secretary to Government in a Presidential Democracy

• The Structure of the Ministry of Finance and the Budgeting Process in a State Government

• Mastering State Governance for State Governors

• Aligning State Financial Management with Executive Vision

• Revolutionizing Governance: Building a Digital Economy and Society in a Developing State

General Courses:

• Synergy in Governance: The Senate, House of Representatives, Executive, and Judiciary

• Understanding the Roles of National and State Party Leadership in a Presidential Democracy

• Peculiarities of Nigerian State Governments in a Federal System

• Ubuntu Philosophy and Principles vs. Existing Political Ideologies: A Comparison

• What is Good Governance in Form and Substance and How can a Layman Tangibly Perceive it?

• World Political Ideologies: Where Stand Nigeria’s Political Parties?

• Step-by-step Guide to Conflict Management for Political Party Administrators and Officials

There are 34 courses listed here. More are coming.
Each course ends with sample of PolitIQ Test Questions

Some Courses are Free.

If you want to take advantage of our discount, use our subscription mode by contacting us via

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Seminars and Workshops (SuiteCamps)

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PolitIQ Tests to earn PolitIQ badge and be a globally recognized Political Talent

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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