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State governors must face scrutiny like national leaders – Okai

Activist and political analyst, Usman Okai Austin, has urged Nigerians to direct their scrutiny and accountability demands towards their state governors with the same fervor they apply to questioning members of the National Assembly and the Presidency.

Okai emphasized the need for citizens to engage their governors on pressing issues affecting their states, particularly in light of the current economic hardships faced by many Nigerians.

In a statement he issued on Saturday, Okai said: β€œIf only we can hold our governors accountable the way we question our National Assembly members and the presidency, we might see a significant change in governance at the state level.”

While acknowledging that President Bola Tinubu, despite not being his preferred choice, has made efforts to explain his policies and decisions, Okai pointed out the lack of transparency and accountability from many state governors.

β€œThe President has faced scrutiny and has, on several occasions, addressed the nation regarding his policies. Senate presidents have openly expressed their positions on national issues, and many lawmakers provide accounts of their stewardship. But what about our governors?” he questioned.

Okai lamented that state governors often evade public discourse, particularly on issues related to economic hardship and governance

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