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You’re A Terrorist’ - Nnamdi Kanu Blasts FG's Lawyer In Court

The detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu, caused a stir at the Federal High Court in Abuja on Monday, after his fresh request to be released on bail, was refused.

Kanu, who was visibly irked by the decision of the court to allow him to attend his trial from the detention facility of the Department of State Services, DSS, vented his anger on the lead counsel that appeared for the Federal Government, Chief Adegboyega Awomolo, SAN, labelling him a terrorist.

Addressing the court from the dock, Kanu, who is answering to a seven-count treasonable felony charge, said he was surprised that the senior lawyer, who is currently the Chairman of the Nigeria Body of Benchers, could not advise the government properly.

Kanu insisted that going by the provision of the Terrorism (Prevention and Prohibition) Act, 2022, Nigeria, having violated international treaty it entered into owing to the manner he was arrested and forcibly rendered back to the country, he ought not be subjected to the ongoing trial.

He stressed that both the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court, in their various decisions, declared his forceful rendition from Kenya as an act of illegality.

Kanu, who kept waving a bunch of law books he entered the dock with, said:
“My lord, you said in your earlier ruling that you will not grant me bail until you make a determination about the reason for my disappearance. But you have not done so.

“At this stage, I am of the opinion that you can’t try me without first looking into that. The criminals came to my house to kill me!

“I don’t understand why my trial must be conducted contrary to the provision of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This is the laws of Nigeria as at today. This court is in violation of laws of Nigeria. Section 2(3) (f) of the Terrorism (Prevention and Prohibition) Act, 2022, is very clear.”

At this juncture, the prosecution, Awomolo, SAN, tried to interject by asking Kanu’s legal team to call him to order.

  • Turning to Awomolo, SAN, Kanu, who was simmering with anger, said: “This man is a terrorist for conducting a trial in violation of an international treaty that Nigeria entered into. Once a treaty is entered into and signed, it becomes a law.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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