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Missing Delta University Student 'Spotted In Her Boyfriend’s Residence' (Photo) 

A Missing 200-Level Student Of Delta State University, Abraka, (DELSU) Faith Omodon, has been allegedly spotted in her boyfriend’s house in Agbor.

The 19-Year-Old Business Administration Student was reported missing after she mysteriously disappeared on her way to her father’s farm in Edo State.

According to the Nigerian Tribune, the undergraduate was said to have been sighted in her lover’s residence by a neighbour who claimed to be unaware that Faith was reported missing.

“Faith came to our compound in Agbor when the boyfriend was not in. She said the boy told her to come and check something in the compound, after sometime she left. I didn’t know that they were looking for her in Edo,” said a lady who simply identified herself as Faith’s boyfriend.

It was gathered that since the news of Faith Omodon’s disappearance filtered into the public space, the whereabouts of the said boyfriend has remained unknown.

However, investigators have intensified the search for both Faith Omodon and her alleged boyfriend.

Meanwhile, the publication learnt that the complainant in the missing person’s case has remained evasive as efforts by investigators to obtain from him further information that would aid their investigation, have been unsuccessful.

Commenting on the latest development, spokesperson for the Edo State Police Command, SP Chidi Nwabuzor, said “we thank God that so far there are indications that she is alive,”

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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