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Exam Cancelled As Students Of MOUAU Stage Heavy Protest Over Hike In School Fees (Photo)

By Wisdom Nwedene

Students of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) have staged heavy protest over hike in school fees, Igbere TV reports.

A student of the institution who spoke with Igbere TV under the condition of anonymity said the drastic hike in school fees coupled with the refusal of students to write this semester’s exams due to financial constraints has brought our academic pursuits to a standstill.

He revealed that in less than two years, the cost of education at MOUAU has skyrocketed from ₦55,000 to ₦113,000, leaving many students burdened with debts borrowed from banks and other institutions. As

According to him, “As representatives of the Nigerian student body at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU), we are deeply troubled by recent events unfolding within our institution. The drastic hike in school fees coupled with the refusal of students to write this semester’s exams due to financial constraints has brought our academic pursuits to a standstill. We feel compelled to raise our voices and shed light on the injustices we are facing.”

“In less than two years, the cost of education at MOUAU has skyrocketed from ₦55,000 to ₦113,000, leaving many students burdened with debts borrowed from banks and other institutions. As a result, numerous students have been forced to drop out, unable to bear the financial strain. Education, touted as a tool for empowerment and socio-economic mobility, has become a distant dream for many of us, overshadowed by exorbitant fees that serve as barriers rather than pathways to success.”

“We implore the authorities, both at the state and federal levels, to take immediate action and address this pressing issue. The government of Abia State and the Federal Government of Nigeria must recognize the dire situation faced by students at MOUAU and intervene to alleviate the financial burden placed upon us.”

“Furthermore, the decision to deny students the opportunity to write exams based on non-payment of inflated fees is not only unjust but also counterproductive. Education is a fundamental right, and every student should be afforded the chance to complete their studies regardless of their financial circumstances. We call upon the Vice Chancellor, Prof. M. O. Iwe, to acknowledge the diverse socio-economic backgrounds of students and ensure that all are granted equal access to quality education.”

“MOUAU has a duty to uphold the principles of accessibility and affordability in education, yet it appears that financial gains have taken precedence over the well-being and academic progress of its students. As a federal university, we should not be subjected to fees comparable to those of private institutions. We are already grappling with the challenges of competing with more privileged schools; our financial burdens should not add to the disparity.”

“We urge the Nigerian broadcasting and digital information services  to investigate this matter thoroughly and shine a spotlight on the injustices faced by students at MOUAU. By bringing attention to our plight, we hope to garner support from the government and relevant authorities to find a solution that ensures equitable access to education for all students, irrespective of their financial status.”

“In closing, we appeal for swift action to rectify this situation and uphold the rights of every student to pursue their academic aspirations without discrimination or undue financial burden.”


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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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