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New Year : Better Days Ahead For Nigerians - Deputy Speaker, Benjamin Kalu

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu has congratulated Nigerians on the successful crossing over to the new year, 2024.

Kalu in his new year message to Nigerians said that 2024 promises good tidings and economic prosperity for Nigerians, urging the people to keep hope alive.

Hon. Benjamin Kalu

The deputy speaker said that the 2024 appropriation bill recently passed by the national assembly will substantially meet the expectations of Nigerians when assented to by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, believing that the economic conditions of the people will improve tremendously.

While urging the citizens to renew their hope in Nigeria and show more commitment to development of the country, Kalu thanked the people for their support to the parliament in the year 2023.

He also commended the security agencies for their sacrifices and untiring efforts to rid the country of insurgency, crime and criminality even as he asked them to be more vigilant and diligent in the protection of lives and properties of the citizenry.

Kalu urged Nigerians especially the people of the south eastern region to embrace the recently launched Peace In South East Project (PISE-P), saying it was committed to improving the lives of the people.

Wishing the citizens a prosperous New Year, the Deputy Speaker expressed optimism that Nigeria would come out better and stronger from its current economic challenges.

“It’s a new dawn. The new year, 2024 is here. I congratulate Nigerians. I appreciate God Almighty His Grace. I enjoin all Nigerians to remain committed to the task of building a strong and virile economy.

“The new year promises.many good tidings and massive economic developments. Let’s not give up on ourselves. We will come out better and stronger. We will overcome our current challenges.

“I want to assure Nigerians that the National Assembly is always committed to making good laws that will meet the yearnings of the people.

“On behalf of my family and the people of Bende Federal Constituenc of Abia State, I wish every Nigerian a prosperous happy new year”, Kalu said.


Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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