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"Only Employees Of Revenue Generating Organisations Are Paid December Salaries" -- Federal Civil Servants 

By Ceder Chris

The federal civil servants Nation wide lamented non payment of December Salaries admist Christmas and New year Festival celebration.

Report gathered as at 28th of December confirmed that only a certain of it’s Agencies have received their December Salaries before 28th .


A source who pleased to remain anonymous told news men that only employees of the NPA, NIMASA, CBN , NNPC, and FIRS who are revenue generating Agencies have been paid December Salaries so far .

“Generally, they have not paid December Salaries to the rest unless some Federal Agencies that have autonomous to do so as no core Civil
servant has received December Salary ” The source said

The source also claimed payment of salaries to civil servants under president Tinubu had been challenging since may 29th when he took over the office. comparison to the past admission , the source said,

“Good luck Jonathan paid monthly salaries we every 25th of the month and during festivities like Christmas and Salah , he paid on the 13th of the month to enable workers plan with what they have .

“Buhari came in and maintained 28/29th of every Month but never paid workers during festivity months.

For Tinubu , he pay in the first or 2nd week of the next month since he came into office . He has been struggling to pay salaries. It has never been very smooth”.

Another senior Civil servant in FCT confirmed this on Thursday 28th of December that He has not been paid saying, ” last year by this time I had received my salary and bonus”

The Director of communication in the office of the of the Head of civil service commission , Mohammad Ahmed confirm that civic servants have not been paid . Denying that the office of othe Head of Civil service commission is not responsible for paying salaries.

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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