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Tudun Wada FC wins maiden NLO Cup

Tudun Wada FC have emerged champions of the inaugural edition of the Nationwide League One Cup.

The Kano-based outfit defeated Palm Syrup FC 7-2 in the final at the Bwari Stadium, Abuja.

After a string of brilliant play from both teams, Palm Syrup got the first goal in the 14th minute, after Christian Otu profited from a goalkeeping blunder from Tudun Wada goalkeeper Muwada Muhammad, to slice home the goal.

Tudun Wada equalized in the 23rd minute as Yusuf Mohammed drew level for the Kano-based team.

Palm Syrup doubled their lead through Abraham David with a screamer to make it 2-1.

Tudun Wada restored parity after Rabiu Abdullahi capitalised on a defence error from their opponent’s defence.

Rabiu Abdullahi netted his second goal of the day in the second half to make it 3-2.

Ashiru Ibrahim, Yusuf Mohammed and Mubarak Sani also scored in the game.

Tudun Wada also gets an 18-seater bus from the sponsor

Anambra man of the year award
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