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A Call For Activism Against Gender Base Violence

By Cedar Chris

Following the report of high rate of gender base violence against women and girls in Africa and other regions , Africa is called upon to unite and end gender base violence against women and girls in the region .

At the united nations 16 Days of activism again Gender base violence against women and girls.

The 16 days Activism is an international campaign that is annually celebrated from 25th of November to December 10th.

It was initiated in 1991 at the united Nation’s inaugural women’s Leadership institute and has been observed globally

violence against women and girls is recorded daily from all corners of the world.
the 16 day of activism as campaign was created to dedicate a period for individuals , organisation and stakeholders to organize and call for an end to the ongoing gender base violence . (GBV)

the initiative campaign reads ,” most boys and men are in general more physically strong than girls and women. women and girls are therefore the vulnerable gender when it comes to violence.

” History has shown that women have been treated as inferior beings in many societies and cultures . As a result of this , many have been afforded lots of opportunities to nuture and preserve this belief, when this order is not met, many women and girls become susceptible to violence.

“in Africa, a high rate violence against women and girls has been recorded in many regions which has been maintained by the persistence of hatful gender norms, tradition, alcohol use and over all, poverty.

In this continent, violence against women and girls goes beyond beating but include rape, force marriage , dowry related violence, marital tape, sexual harassment, intimidation at work places, education institutes , trafficking , force sterilization and force prostitution among others .

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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