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EBSU's SUG President Oshim Celebrates 100 Dynamic Days, Free Rides, Unwavering Commitment, and Student Empowerment

The Students’ Union Government (SUG) President Comrade Nkwegu Tobias Oshim celebrated a milestone of 100 days in office, continuing his legacy as the 25th president with commendable service and dedication to student welfare.

Renowned for his initiatives in providing free transportation, Comrade Oshim has been a beacon of proactive leadership amid financial constraints.


In his address, he acknowledged the financial and support challenges faced.

According to him, “The journey has not been without its trials. We have navigated the first 100 days without the anticipated level of funds and support. Yet, our resolve has not faltered, and our commitment remains unshaken.”

He emphasized the administration’s reliance on the power of their promises to the students, ensuring that actions speak louder than words.

The student body has shown overwhelming support and appreciation for his proactive approach and decisive actions, celebrating the tangible progress and positive changes he has brought to the campus community.

Comrade Oshim’s tenure is marked by resilience and a steadfast dedication to enhancing the EBSU student experience.

Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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