As sent by our fan who wants her identity hidden.
Igbere TV, My Husband Did This To Me Just Because I Put A Password On My Phone 😭😭😭
I noticed it has become an attitude for this man to go through my phone all the time, that’s why i locked it with a password, ever since then it has been one problem to another, my phone is private why should he go through my phone without permission.
He doesn’t even allow my male friends to come close to me. I have had these male friends long even before i met him but he doesn’t want to understand that.. Last night he asked to use my phone’s touch i switched it on & gave him, he now asked me to unlock the phone, just then, i knew he wanted to go through my phone so i refused, he suddenly got wild and had me be@ten up so meslesly.. This is how my whole body looks now just as you see here on my arm
Please, advise me before i do something crazy, I’m so mad, a lot is going through my mind already..