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Abia Opposition Guymen and their Fraudulent Ways

By Ferdinand Ekeoma

In a Post captioned “Governor Alex Otti, Remember You Are Not God And I Can’t Fear You” written by my friend Uche Aguoru, an extract from the piece reads thus:

“Over time Governor Alex Otti has proven his inability to accept, with equanimity, constructive criticisms of their administrations’ wrong policies, utterances, and actions.



It is therefore, a sign of desperation and an attempt to shut down opposition voices by sending your representatives to my community to demand that the Ohuhu council of traditional rulers should prevail on me to stop criticizing your government and where I insist that I should be stripped of the Traditional title of IKEMBA OHUHU if Ohuhu people want to benefit from your government, though this is not surprising because I have been receiving several threat messages from your obsequious followers and minions warning me to stop criticizing your government.

This is not only an exhibition of despotic tendencies but an act of desperation and pettiness taken a bit too far”

Any unsuspecting member of the public who reads the above statement credited to Uche will easily assume that the allegation is true, unfortunately, it’s an outright falsehood fabricated and dished out by my friend Uche who happens to be one of Abia’s online notorious political hustlers.

When a man wakes up and fabricates this kind of serious allegation with the intention of drawing cheap attention not minding that such an act of blackmail injures other people’s reputation and insults readers’ sensibilities, he manifests himself as a grossly irresponsible person devoid of conscience and character.

So of all the problems ravaging Abia state which are begging for attention, it’s an Uche Aguoru that has shown gross lack of uche and eziokwu in his writeups and actions that a very busy Governor like Dr. Alex Otti would be thinking about?

One thing some of you that are infested with that terrible spirit of Chikamnayo have failed woefully to understand is that you can only draw Dr. Alex Otti’s attention through healthy engagements and constructive criticisms, not through the fabrication of insane falsehood and libelous conjectures that make you look more pathetic than you truly are.

I wouldn’t want to ask Uche to provide an evidence to substantiate his allegation as that would amount to dignifying his act of indignity, rather I would like to appeal to him to change this format because it is both disrespectful, disgusting, demeaning and outdated, especially when it’s targeted at a man he had repeatedly praised and acknowledged both in private and in public as a man of honour and high standing whom he said he had so much respect for, and who had also treated him (Uche) with courtesy and dignity.

A champion of Iberiberism can never be the chosen one, especially in the land of Ohuhu Huru Uzor.

Ferdinand Ekeoma

Anambra man of the year award
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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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