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The Initiation: My True Life Story As A Cult Member

What follows is a true life story as narrated by a former cult member.

The story is a long one but is worth the reading.

If you have the time read through or read a page at a time.The’re lots of lessons to be learned.

This is a continuation of the Story. If you missed the previous thread, follow the link to Page 2 to catch up 

Happy reading…

I joined the remaining aspiring members and we faced the bush part . After sometime, we where asked to move in an assembly fashion . Like the slave trade movement , but instead of the metal chains used in real slavery, we where asked to put our hands on each other’s shoulders and move in a uniform fashion . As we moved ,


Cult members echoed : ju ju ju

Aspiring members echoed out : sir sir sir


The process of screaming ju ju ju and sir sir sir continued as we matched on . I heard signs of cassava stems and huge branches of trees cracking up, I raised my head and saw each of the cultist following us holding a stem each. Immediately I received a painful flog directly on my bare back,


“ You dey craze , who say make you carry your head up “


immediately my friend who took me for the initiation became angry and almost fought the guy who flogged me … Immediately I started crying and the thought to run cams into my mind but I had to face the consequences . If I die tonight , my family don’t even know my where about . We where then asked to stop and a guy came around with a piece of paper to take down our names and departments. We then continued our journey . We then got an open field and we where told to lie down . Suddenly I saw a fearfully looking guy with a red regalia , I looked closely , guess what guys ,




We will call him kelvin ( not his real name )


I echoed his name :


Kelvin , Kelvin Na me frank … immediately the other cultist pounced on me.


“ You dey craze , call am bros Kelvin “


I was stubborn and immediately I saw a double barrel shotgun facing my end , I then shouted


“Bros , bros , bros. , chairman Kelvin”


They all laughed at me and called me JU.


I then heard “after 0:0 hours , make mending start “ we where told to

Lie down and suddenly we started receiving flogging on our asses . Then I saw someone putting on a black regalia and he came to where we where receiving the flogging of our lives and echoed out “ NO BACK MENDING “ meaning they should not let the stems to touch our backs . We received flogging on our asses for close to 4 hours . Do you understand what it means to receive constant lashing on a particular spot for hours ? I did for five hours . My fellow ju mate close to me pooed on himself . Smelling poo. Another ju guy was shouting he was sick and they overlooked . They came angry thinking the man was pretending , they dragged him out to the center and focused on him while others focused on us. The next thing I heard was


“ THE JU DON LEGGO, HE NO DEY MOVE AGAIN “ then one of the came around and shot his double barrel at the dead man to confirm if he is dead . Immediately they carried him away deep down into the bush . Then the man with he black regalia echoed out,


“ shebi una see that man wey die, if ju misbehave, he go join that man wey die “


This immediately sent a cold sensation down my spine .


The place where we pulled our shirt is called Angle 90


The process we started movement holding our shoulders and responding to ju ju ju using sir sir sir is know as slave trade . The place where we where asked to lie down, is known as ju camp .


Stay tuned for more update from me……..


The process of flogging continued for hours with no end in sight . We where deep inside the forest and even when we wailed and called for help, no help came . The stems used in flogging is known as Janet . The process of flogging us is known as Janetting . But the word Janet and janetting is only used for strong men and since we where still JU undergoing initiation process , the process of flogging is was known as JU mending .


My friend came to the JU camp and called out my name .


Frank where u dey

I replied with a weak and loyal voice : I dey here bros . He came towards me and touched my sss and saw it was swollen, he laughed and said ,


Shebi u dey feel am

I replied in a weaker tone : yessasassssssas bros

He said to me : all of us pass through am .


He then sat on my a*s to make sure I did not receive further mending . I felt relieved at last at least for 3 mins. Then the man in the black regalia came back to the ju camp and instructed as follows,


“If you know say you no be butcher , Abeg commot for my camp”


The butchers are the ones in charge of the ju mending . Then my friend got up and left me alone. I raised my head and suddenly I saw a huge stem coming towards my a*s and at this point , my a*s bursted with blood all over. Instead of crying , I just laughed out loud and they where angry,


“ who be that man wey they laugh”


I heard gun shot close to my head, the guy had aimed close to my head to scare me. I was still laughing and suddenly the guy that threatend to shoot me asked me to turn around and open my mouth, I did and then I saw him bringing out is p*n*s and was about urinating into my mouth and suddenly my friend rushed into the camp and fight started . He became angry as he was also a former axe head and so he should be given respect .


“Why you one piss for him mouth? Na so them do you when you bam ?” They argued out and they started exchanging heated argument . Then the man in Black regalia came up and asked them to purse the ju mending as it was time for procession.



We where asked to get up and lie down in a different section of the ju camp and I saw some men holding candle and insecticide . The insecticide was to blow out flame from the candle and they walked on our asses.


As they walked they sang


“ All the axemen are coming make you give them their way o , Aye axemen make you give them thier way x2 . Your mama no dey for here , your papa no dey for here , Aye Axemen make you give them thier way”


The song was repeated as they walked on out asses.




After the procession, we where instructed to crawl through a narrow path. We crawled in twos and we got to a place where we saw the man wearing a black regalia standing and he opened his legs wide. We were to pass through the legs individually and as we passed through, we where flogged with stems and all kind of materials. The man putting on the black regalia is known as the chairman black axxe. Let me list the offeice holders and their functions,


AXE HEAD( Red regalia)…….THE FIGURE HEAD OF THE TEMPLE AND HE HAS THE FINAL SAY. He is also responsible for the most important initiation process

Chief Priest( White regalia )…………..He is the spiritual father of the Temple. He is in charge of spiritual consultations. Before initiations, he goes to a particular point and places a charm there, if the charm is effective, then police can never and will never locate the initiation ground.

Chairman ( Black regalia) ….He is very important and he has two vote in electing office holders. The chairman makes sure the AXE head is in place and does its function properlly. But the AXE head is the most important and still wields more power than the chairman black axxe.

Chief Butcher: He is in charge of all butchers in the Temple and also a key figure during HIT ( Fight with another cult group) . He is very important.

Chief Ihaza: Financial keeper of the Temple.

Chief eye: In charge of mapping other cult members.. He has a list of notable and key figures in other cult group and also thier location. He is very active in Temple ( School ) Environment and very important to the success of a particular HIT.

Chief crier: He notifies all members of the black axxe when there is an important information to pass round. He notifies them to take cover or leave campus during HIT…


The AXE head pronounces the HIT before it starts and very important and he can also dissolve the office of the chairman in case of misconduct that might and can lead to rebelling.


Elders: They are usually former office holders of the temple whose tenure has expired and their presence is required as they see them as men of wisdom or can also make contibutions to the Temple.


The path we crawled through before going through the legs of the chairman black axxe is known as DEVILS PASSAGE. The chairmans leg opening is known as the HEAVENS GATE..


Immediately i passed through the heavens gate, i saw 7 candles arranged in circles and i crawled into the circle. others did same and we all assembled at the center of the circle with standing and surrounding us. I noticed something important, i noticed we where not even up to 40. We were more than 40 at the ju camp receiving mending but we became few in the circle. This is because other JU members who didnt join us at the circle has been played FM ( Format ). This is because the guy who brought them for initiation refused paying for the initiation and so they received free mending and they where chased out of the camp. They might even wonder for long in the bush part before locating thier way back to thier hostels.


WE knelt down at the centre of the circle and the AXXE head came with his red regalia and held an axe. He opened the initiation ground with a song and then the chief priest poured out the kokoma in a calabash and gave us to drink. Our right thumb was also sliced with a blade and the blood was dropped in the calabash. We drank from the calabash containing the kokoma. After that we then took the oat of allegiance.




We then received our last slap and we where advised that if anybody slapped us after today, we should kill the person and nobody should slap you as an axxe man. The axe head then placed his metal on each of our heads and gave us our strong name. I was known as IDRIS ALOMA.. the initiation ceremony closed and i followed the man that took me down for initiation home. The man that took me for the initiation is known as my LM ( Links Man ). I got home with pains all over my body. He taught me how to identify myself to other cult members.


Aye axxe men x2 na me be aye idris aloma, kanta ethopia high temple, Aye axxe men…

Life after Initiation

Following the link to Page 4 to continue reading


Anambra man of the year award
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