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How Facebook Anonymous Page Keeps Defrauding Nigerians, Scammed Lady Of Over 300 Dollars - Woman Cries Out (Photos)

By Wisdom Nwedene

“Anonymous” Facebook accounts have continued to scam Nigerians of their hard earned money with promises of giving out football fix match odds and soccer prediction betting which they always fail to fulfil after their victims have sent them money.

Investigation done by our correspondent shows that the Facebook page “Anonymous” has scammed Nigerians of millions of Naira through their fake Predictions and sometimes they end up not giving out any Prediction by blocking their victims who end in pains and agony.

Their latest victim was in tears while narrating how she was defrauded of over 300 dollars.

According to her, “Anonymous keep saying they are give out sure odd on soccer, they are defrauding people of their hard earn money. On Friday I just paid $300 into the agent account they gave me next was to block me,I just found out they have a lot of pages on Facebook and they work with different account numbers “.

“I have chatted since Saturday till now after I made payment but was blocked by them. If you go through that chat you will find out loan is involved to start up my business, which am paying gradually, but nothing much in my shop at the end of the year it will be renewed, reading all the beautiful and successful testimonies in their page I decided to try to see if God will help me through soccer to get fund fill my shop at the end I was taking from the little one I have saved up”.

“Another lady was scammed $500 used palmpay to make payment while mine is moniepoint, I wished I came in contact with her earlier I won’t have fallen this victim.”

“I know this money can’t be recovered again from them, but pray for God to help me to be successful in this life because I believe am a hard working lady just that things have not worked the way I have planned, thanks for your time.”

Below are some of the chats and how she was blocked after making payment..


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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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