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General ​Bajowa warns Tinubu against biased appointments

Retired General Olu Bajowa has cautioned President-elect Bola Tinubu against biased appointments.

The elder statesman advised Tinubu to ensure an even spread of appointments in his administration for justice and equity.

The former Managing Director of the defunct Nigeria Airways gave the counsel in a statement issued in Abuja on Thursday.

Bajowa stressed that the composition of the appointees should reflect the diversity of Africa’s most populous nation.

The principles of fairness, equity, justice, and the rule of law should reign supreme in the next government, the retired officer noted.

Bajowa observed Nigeria is engulfed with the problems of moral compass, corruption, unemployment, poverty, hunger and insecurity.

“This is compounded by a defective unitary constitution; these challenges require God’s intervention”, said the ex-Army Adjutant General.

“God intervened during the COVID-19 pandemic. The same God, with our prayers, will care for us as the nation embarks on building a new Nigeria.”

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