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Countries with highest number of old people 100 years and above revealed

Nations with the highest number of centenarians (people aged 100+) have been revealed.

The United States of America is leading other countries in the study conducted by the World of Statistics, while the likes of Japan, China, Malaysia and India are the top five countries.

The countries ranking the lowest in this category include Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, while South Africa is the only African country that made the cut.

Here is the full list:

US: 98k
Japan: 90.5k
China: 54k
Malaysia: 43.6k
India: 27k
Thailand: 26.1k
France: 25.9k
Brazil: 23.7k
Germany: 23.5k
Russia: 22.6k
South Korea: 21.9k
Italy: 19k
Mexico: 18.2k
South Africa: 21.9k
Argentina: 15.4k
UK: 15.1k
Spain: 13k
Canada: 12.8k
Romania: 9.9k
Australia: 8.2k
Poland: 7.2k
Turkey: 5.7k
Portugal: 5k
Hungary: 3.3k
Cambodia: 3.1k
Israel: 3k
Peru: 2.7k
Sweden: 2.4k
Netherlands: 2.1k
Norway: 1.3k
Denmark: 1.2k
Finland: 1k

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