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Nigerian Man And His Girlfriend Arrested With Drugs In South Africa (Photo)

A woman and her Nigerian boyfriend have been arrested with drugs by members of the East London Tactical Response Team (TRT) in Eastern Cape, South Africa, Igbere TV has learnt.

The provincial spokesperson for the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks), Captain Yolisa Mgolodela, in a statement on Wednesday, March 22, said Promise Uchechukwu, 29, and his girlfriend, Anihle Sikade, 27, were arrested on Saturday, March 18.


He said after the TRT’s R75 000 drug bust, the investigation was taken over by the East London based So­uth African Narcotics Enforcement ​ Bure­au (SANEB) of the Serious Organised Crime Investigation team of the hawks.

“It is alleged that on March 18, mem­bers attached to TRT discovered a large quantity of drugs, ammunition and fi­rearm while searching a house in the Cuba ad­ministrative area in Butterworth. They arrested one suspect,” Mgolodela said.

“On the same day, they received further information that the drug dealer from East London who supplied the suspects with drugs was on his way to Butterworth for another delivery.

“The members had a de­scription of the veh­icle which is normal­ly used to deliver the drugs and kept ob­servation on the N2 near Komga when they noticed the suspici­ous vehicle,”

She said the vehicle was stopped and searched.

Upon searching the vehicle, five packets of tik were found hidden under the passenger seat.

“The driver and his girlfriend were arrested for dealing in drugs. Five 100g packets of tik to the street value of R75​ 000 and a Ford Ecosport worth R80 000 were seized during the arrest,” Mgolodela added.

The couple appeared in the Komga Magistrate’s Court on Monday, March 20.

Their case was postponed until March 28 for a bail application.

The Hawks stated more arrests were imminent as their investigations continued.

Anambra man of the year award
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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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