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Prof. Odoh Refuses To Congratulate Ebonyi Governor Elect, Says He Will Review Results & Process

By Wisdom Nwedene

The Governorship Candidate of All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, Professor Benard Odoh has thanked his supporters for coming out on 18th March, 2023 to vote for him.

Prof. Odoh, however, said that he will review the entire results and processes as released by INEC which declared Hon. Francis Nwifuru winner of the Ebonyi State Governorship election to help him take the most appropriate and possible action(s).

Our correspondent had reported that the State Returning Officer, Charles Igwe, said Mr Nwifuru garnered a total of 199,131 votes cast across the 13 local governments in the state.

His closest challenger, Ifeanyi Odii of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), got a total of 80,191 votes to place second.

The candidate of the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA), Bernard Odoh, came third with 52,189 votes.

In a statement made available to IGBERE TV, Prof. Odoh pleaded with his supporters and party faithfuls to remain calm, committed and peaceful.

According to him “For us, nothing shall be exchanged for the peace of Ebonyi State. Be rest assured that your drive to see a better Ebonyi State which was clearly demonstrated at the ballot box shall not be in vain.”

The statement reads,

“Dear Ndi Ebonyi,

” On March 18, you took out your
time to discharge your electoral franchise. You voted for us and for the betterment of our great state. This is to say a big thank you for the honor you have given our state by voting, and for voting for the All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA). On Behalf of my running mate Dr Nkata Nwani Chuku, my party APGA, and the Odohzia Campaign Team, I say thank you immensely for standing with us throughout the campaigns and during the electoral processes. Notably,  we appreciate party faithfuls, our benefactors within and outside Nigeria, the clergy, civil servants, teachers, businessmen, traders, pensioners, our students, our youths and government functionaries who sacrificed their comfort for us and for our state by voting for us. I must specifically appreciate the urbanites who unanimously chose our party, the All Progressive Grand Alliance at the polls.”

“Indeed, as we take a look at the outcome of the elections we can appreciate that the desire of Ebonyians to elect a credible and people-friendly government is not in doubt. It is also not in doubt that the process has been far from credible, and has not, in any form, reflected the wishes of the vast majority of Ebonyi People as demonstrated in the ballot.”

“Consequently, we shall review the entire results and processes as released by INEC to help us take the most appropriate and possible action(s).”

“As we undertake the comprehensive review of these results, I wish to plead with our supporters and party faithfuls to remain calm, committed and peaceful. For us, nothing shall be exchanged for the peace of Ebonyi State. Be rest assured that your drive to see a better Ebonyi State which was clearly demonstrated at the ballot box shall not be in vain. “

” Again thank you for your continued support. “

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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email: nwedenewisdom@gmail.com

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