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Cash Crunch: Attacks On Banks Tantamount To Robbery, Police Warn

The Nigeria Police Force has warned against attacks on banks and described such action as armed robbery. 

This warning came on the heels of attacks on bank facilities in several parts of the country following the naira crunch.

But the Force spokesman Olumuyiwa Adejobi has cautioned against such, saying it will be resisted.

“We complain banks don’t attend to us yet we go to their facilities and set them ablaze, destroy ATMs. How do you want them to serve you better if you have destroyed their facilities?” he said in a recorded video posted on the NPF’s Facebook page Friday.

“I think we need to educate ourselves on what the law says about this. You don’t go to any bank, ATM, or financial institution to attack. It is criminal and tantamount to armed robbery. If you are caught in the act, you will be treated as an armed robber.”

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