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Nnamani Faults Expulsion From PDP, Says Decision Is Null

A former Enugu State Governor Chimaroke Nnamani has faulted his expulsion from the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), describing it as null.

The PDP National Working Committee (NWC) on Friday expelled him and others from the party, citing anti-party activities.

But hours after the move, the former governor said the NWC lacks the powers to take such a decision.

He quoted Articles 57(7) and 59(3) of the PDP Constitution to fault his expulsion from the party.

“It is evident on the basis of Articles 57(7) and 59(3) of the Constitution of your party excerpted above, that no organ of the party, including the National Working Committee, has the competence to entertain any question of discipline against our client, except the National Executive Committee of the party,” Senator Nnamani said in a letter to the PDP NWC through his Counsel Olusegun O. Jolaawo (SAN).

“Quite apart from the obvious and undeniable fact that the purported proceeding of the National Working Committee of your party held on 20 January 2023 and the decision reached there at, suspending our client from the party is null and void, as our client was neither invited to the meeting nor given the opportunity to be heard before the decision against him was taken; See Article 57(6) of the Constitution of your party, the National Working Committee lacks the requisite powers to entertain any question of discipline against our client to the extent of suspending or expelling him from the party.

“The proceeding and decision reached at the meeting of the National Working Committee of your Party which was held on 20 January 2023 is therefore, both illegal and a nullity.

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