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Suspected Herdsmen Kill Eight Persons Near IDP Camp In Benue

Suspected armed herdsmen have again attacked the community opposite the Abagana Internally Displaced People (IDP) camp in Makurdi, killing eight people.

It was gathered that the killers beheaded and took away the heads of the victims, including an entire family of six. Eight other persons were wounded with three of them in critical condition.

The attack, which took place on Thursday night when the community had retired for the night, is the second in two years in an attempt to hit the Abagana IDP camp where hundreds of internally displaced persons have been living since January 2018 when armed herdsmen attacked and killed seventy-three persons in Guma and Logo local government areas of the state.


The Special Adviser to Governor Samuel Ortom on security matters, Colonel Paul Hemba (retd), told our correspondent in Benue State that rescue operations by the police are underway and the search for survivors or more bodies is ongoing

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