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Argentine Corn Farm Gets Its Own Messi ‘Tattoo’

After Argentina’s 2022 World Cup win, fans flocked to get tattoos of the South American football team’s star, Lionel Messi.

Thanks to advanced agricultural technology, one Argentine corn farm has planted its own Messi “tattoo” and shared the software so that it can be replicated.

In rural Ballesteros, about 500 kilometers (300 miles) northwest of Buenos Aires, farmer Charly Faricelli tells AFP that he planned to design Messi’s face into his corn field regardless of Argentina’s result in Qatar last month.

“The idea was a tribute from the agricultural world to Messi, whether he won the World Cup or not — which thank God he did!” he said.

The size of almost four football fields, the Messi face can only be seen from above, and becomes more visible as the corn grows

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