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NCDC Confirms Diphtheria Outbreak In Lagos, Kano States

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has confirmed the outbreak of diphtheria disease in Lagos and Kano states.

It, however, assured that the agency is responding to the situation with the disease reportedly killing about 25 persons in the North-Western state.

“The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (NCDC) has responded to reports of diphtheria cases in Lagos and Kano States and is monitoring the situation in Osun and Yobe States where cases are now being picked up,” the agency said in an advisory on Friday.

“In addition to clinically suspected cases, there have been laboratory-confirmed cases and the NCDC is working with State Ministries of Health and partners to enhance surveillance and response to the outbreak. This includes keeping the public informed on staying safe at home and in their communities.”

To reduce the risk of contracting the disease, the NCDC advised Nigerians to ensure their children are fully vaccinated with three (3) doses of the pentavalent vaccine as recommended in the childhood immunisation schedule

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