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NDDC Debunks Report Of Infighting Between Board Members

The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) has dismissed as false report of crisis in the interventionist agency following an alleged in-fighting between members of the Commission’s Governing Board.

According to a statement by the NDDC Director, Corporate Affairs, Dr Ibitoye Abosede, the report which emanated from Sahara Reporters is a calculated attempts by mischief makers to distract the NDDC Board.

A certain publication had alleged that “fresh crisis has hit the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) over an alleged attempt by the Chairman of the Governing Board of the agency, Lauretta Onochie, to take over the duties of the Managing Director, Dr Samuel Ogbuku.”

But Dr. Abosede who described the report as imaginary, urged members of the public to disregard the story which is obviously a mischievous concoction of lies designed to sow seeds of discord among members of the Board who are united in their resolve to make a difference in the Niger Delta.

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