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Policemen Have Right To Protect Themselves With Firearms In Face Of Danger - Hundeyin

The spokesperson of the Lagos state police command, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, says under the law, police officers have the right to use their firearms to protect themselves in the face of danger, IGBERETV reports.

Hundeyin gave the clarification while reacting to the backlash police officers in the state received for using their firearms on a mob at the Alaba Rago market in the state on Tuesday, January 17, which led to the death of one of the attackers.

The officers had gone to the market to effect the arrest of a suspect but were challenged by a mob. In the process of retreating from the mob, a police officer fired his arm and it fatally injured one of the said attackers.

Hundeyin shared a portion of the Nigerian constitution that authorises the use of firearms in the face of danger.

He wrote;

“Just to be clear on this, if our officers come under any attack such that their lives are in DANGER, and there is no other way to get out of that danger, THEY WILL USE THEIR FIREARMS!

Firearms are NOT ornamental!

See Section 33 of the Nigerian Constitution”

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