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Anambra Catholic priest reportedly bars parishioners without PVCs from Holy Communion

As campaign for the collection of Permanent Voter’s Cards heightens, a Catholic priest in Anambra State has reportedly barred some parishioners in his parish from receiving Holy Communion over alleged refusal to collect their PVCs ahead of the February polls.

The priest identified simply as Rev. Fr. Okonkwo, during a morning mass, challenged parishioners on performing their civic responsibilities as defined by the law.

Ref Okonkwo directed them to swiftly collect their PVCs and urged them to be passionate about the development of the country.

He also called on the Nigerian government to consider declaring public holidays to allow citizens collect their PVCs ahead of the polls.

The priest said: “Nigeria is at the crossroads presently, and the world is looking unto Nigerians, and Christians in particular, to choose the best of leaders in 2023 to take the country out of its problems.


“Christians should be at the forefront. We should not be seen to be spectators. We must all go out to collect our voters cards, and exercise our civic obligations. Not just doing so; we should use the power of our PVCs to enthrone credible leadership.

“Heaven helps those that help themselves. God will not come down from heaven to elect our leaders. No amount of prayers for good leadership will work for us, unless we elect good leaders ourselves.

“The need to respect those authorities is emphasized severally in the scripture. The need for Christians to perform their civic obligations is also emphasized severally in the scripture. Jesus led the way by paying His tax to Caesar. Therefore, Christians must follow Jesus’ examples. Anyone that neglects his civic duty has committed sin.”

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