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Buhari’s ‘Best’ Speaks To His Level Of Preparedness For Office – Kukah

As President Muhammadu Buhari’s tenure winds down, the Catholic Bishop of Sokoto Diocese, Matthew Kukah, has criticised the number one citizen’s level of preparedness for office.

Bishop Kukah, during a live appearance on Channels Television’s Politics Today on Wednesday, drew parallels between the alleged culture of nepotism in the public sector and the current state of the nation.

According to him, with Nigeria reaching a threshold where integrity, competence, and capacity have been compromised, “we’re in trouble.”



“That’s why, if we don’t get to the heart of the consequences of nepotism – I’m not looking forward to a president of Nigeria who is a Christian or who is a Catholic, who will for example just turn a lot of these things upside down and begin to punish other people for the sins that they didn’t commit.

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