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TEARS!!! Young Boy Seeks For Help To Treat Malignant Tumor (Photos)

A young Nigerian man, Akinsulade Abraham,from Ile-Oluji Ondo State has pleaded with good spirited Nigerians to help him to treat malignant tumor which he has been battling with for years.

According to Hon. Akinwamide Rotimi who shared the boy’s pathetic situation, he pleaded with Nigerians make donations in order for the boy to seek medical treatment before it turns


According to him, “Good day the good people of ondo state and the general public.”

“I want to introduce to you,the 11years old boy;Akinsulade Abraham,from Ile-Oluji ondo state,as seen,the boy is suffering from malignant tumor, and this could be cancerous.”

“I hereby seek for support from the general public, charity organization, NGO, UNICEF and other related agencies to assist with anything they have in power to help the dying poor boy.”

“The case was brought to me few hours ago,but I can’t do it alone without the support of the general public. ”

“Below is “Mrs omonigho Abosede phone number and account details, no amount is small. ”

“Omonigho Abosede first bank

Direct contact to Mrs omonigho Abosede, mother of the boy. 07019711591

Please let’s save a soul todayIgbere TV – IGTV”.


Anambra man of the year awardAnambra man of the year award
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Wisdom Nwedene studied English Language at Ebonyi State University. He is a writer, an editor and has equally interviewed many top Nigerian Politicians and celebrities. For publication of your articles, press statements, upload of biography, video content, contact him via email:

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