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2023: Utomi decries intolerance among politicians in Nigeria

A political economist, Prof. Pat Utomi, on Friday decried the growing intolerance and decline in democratic virtues among politicians ahead of the 2023 general elections, IgbereTV reports

Utomi, who spoke at a press conference in Lagos, lamented that opposition parties were not allowed to use public facilities for campaign rallies, while their billboards were destroyed.

He added that even landlords had refused to rent their property to the opposition.

Utomi, who is the Convener of The BIG-TENT Coalition of Political Parties, Social Movements and Civil Society Organisations for Obi-Datti presidential campaign, warned politicians against heating up the polity with provocative statements in the days leading to the elections.

He said: “The experience of many who understand the essence of democracy and who are participating in current elections suggests a significant level of a collapse of civility, growing fascism and polarisation of the country by politicians unwilling or unable to focus on the issue

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