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Shun violence, vote buying in 2023 elections – Adelabu tells electorate

Gubernatorial candidate of Accord in Oyo State, Chief Adebayo Adelabu has advised residents of the State to shun violence and vote buying in the 2023 general elections.

Adelabu, a former deputy governor (Operations) of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) made this disclosure on Sunday.

He also used the opportunity to appeal to politicians and their followers to shun any act capable of truncating the current democratic dispensation.

Adelabu, in his new year message issued by his campaign organization, said the outgone year was a challenging one for the country.

He said that two critical decisions- the 2023 general elections and the population census would be held in the year 2023.

He explained that the 2023 general election is a major factor that will determine the fate of the country.

He added that many challenges faced the country in the outgone year, but the citizens should continue to thank God for seeing the new year.

“Despite so many challenges facing the country in the areas of security and economy, there’s the need to thank God for the gift of life.

“These two critical decisions are important for national development, especially the 2023 general elections, which is a major factor that will determine the fate of the country and in terms of governance and general wellbeing of the masses,” he said.

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