In what seems to be the longest letter Apostle Peter wrote to the galatians on assuming authority as the head of the church after denying Jesus three times, Governor Chrales Chukwuma Soludo revealed the hidden secrets on how Igbos could become President of Nigeria just as Peter had revealed to Galatians how to be a good Christian in order to make it to heaven. However, the two letters differed both in content and actual intention, but similar in length.
The episode to galatians was written in good faith and most importantly with a sincerest intention of leading every galatian to heaven irrespective of class. In Soludo’s super story letter, the intention was more of selfishness, jealousy and envy and soley in the interest of the so called ruling Igbo elites and their conies rather than general well-being of every Nigerian.
In his letter, Governor Soludo was intensively beclouded with three core interests; self interest, group interest and political elite interest. He was busy analysing Obi’s presidency from the purview of Igbo presidency and how it will limit the chances of Igbo political elites to produce Nigerian President in the future? Soludo failed woefully to see the sufferings of common Nigerians across regions. He selfishly refused to admit that Obi’s supporters cut across ethnic and religious divide. He knew that Peter Obi or any Igbo politician wouldn’t have taken the campaign seriously if the support is coming only from the Southeas, just as his unknown APGA Presidential candidate is not serious and have not spent 1kobo in hs campaign. But in this case, Obi has huge support base from atleast, North Central, Southwest, South South and Southeast. If Soludo is not being jealous and selfish, why didn’t he advise the so called APGA presidential candidate (I don’t even know his name and I don’t care to know) to step down because he can’t win? If Soludo is not being jealous and envious, can he swear before the Okija shrine that if he was in Peter Obi’s shoe with this huge national support base and acceptance that he would not contest the presidential electiom under the LP?
Soludo out of jealous and evny refused to see what Peter Obi represent to Young Nigerians at this material time. He couldn’t admit and give credence to what Obi’s candidature has brought to our political arena, where for the very first time, Youths, entertainers and people in diaspora are so interested in the election.
In that letter, Soludo merely expressed the view of his fellow self-centered Igbo political elites and not that of ordinary Igbo man in Nnewi market, Ariaria market or on the street of Owerri. It is obvious that he’s more interested in sharing political positions among themselves than welfare of the ordinary Igbo man on the streets. Trying to link Peter Obi presidency to Igbo presidential ambition is not only wickedness but a deliberate act to discredit the entire Obident national movement. If Peter Obi has no chance of winning the 2023 election, why then did Soludo took several hours out of his limited time to write long super story against a man who has no chance of wining? Is Peter Obi the only candidate or Igbo candidate in the race???
If Soludo is interested in seeing a Nigeria that works for all, he has the moral burden to support the Obi movement whether he will win or not, except he’s merely playing his usual politics, then we can relate his jealousy and evny. What both Ndigbo and Nigerians need at this time is a Nigeria that works. If Nigeria is working fine, no one would be interested in where the next president comes from.
The obvious truth the likes of Soludo and his cronies should know is that Nigeria does not need the likes of Tinubu and Atiku at this critical time. We do not need another London or Dubia President who would spend 50% of our national budget on medical tourism. We need a healthy and sound President.
Lastly, Soludo should equally note that whether Peter Obi wins or not is immaterial. Hence he should be more focused in delivering good governance to Anambra people and leave Peter Obi alone.
Ochuba Chichebe