This is not trolling. This is not campaign. This is Reno Omokri INTENTIONALLY inc!ting hatr£d and physical vi0lence against Mr. Peter Obi and his supporters. I’ve always known Reno as a d£vilish man!pulator but this is the lowest low. And it is unacceptable. Recall that it is the same Reno who first shared a picture of a Muslim praying mat with Peter Obi picture wherein he (Reno) took his time creating the impression that Obi and his supporters deliberately chose to m0ck Islam. Considering how volatile the country is, we can all correctly guess what agenda Reno was pursuing. He didn’t mind instigating a bl00dy ethno-religi0us cr!ses that will see to the d£struction of Igb0 l!ves and businesses in the North, just to get at Peter Obi and his supporters. How more vil£ can one be??
There are rumors that Atiku Abubakar personally commissioned Reno for this £vil job in a panic response to the OBI-DIENT TSUNAMI currently sweeping across the country but if he (Atiku) and the PDP fail to call him to order here, all doubts will have been cleared and our responses to this will be DISPROPORTIONATE. There should be no mistakes about that.
Osita Chidoka and Olisa Metuh, forgive me for tagging you. You both are refined gentlemen but you are also PDP chieftains very close to Atiku, if your candidate and party fail to get Reno to stop putting inn0cent Igbo l!ves and businesses in danger while safely holed up abroad, we will be forced to take this matter into 0ur own hands. And there will be nothing like ‘No-Go-Area’.
© Charles Ogbu