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UNILAG Student Says She's "Happy" About The ASUU Strike Because "School is Not It" (Video)


A student of the University of Lagos has gone viral after she reacted to the ongoing ASUU strike, IgbereTV reports.

The Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, on February 14, 2022 declared a month’s warning strike.

Asked how she feels about the strike, a student of Unilag said she is happy about it.

“I’m happy, it’s good news,” she replied.

She explained that she is into photography and the strike will give her time to focus on her passion.

She added that no one is serious about school in Nigeria anymore, not even the government, as a result, she said young people have to find other things asides school to keep themselves busy,

She said:

“Obviously, no one is serious with school in this country, including the government themselves. So, you just have to find something going on for yourself, something that works for you, and school is not it.


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