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Bobrisky Goes For Commercial Flight After Bragging About Flying Strictly Private (Photo, Video)

A video of Bobrisky struggling to board a commercial flight surfaces days after he bragged about boarding private jet for him and his assistants, IGBERETV reports.

Days ago, the cross-dresser shared a video of him travelling on a private jet with his makeup artist, personal assistant, and “house girl”.

Bobrisky shared the video after James Brown travelled to the UK and people began comparing them. He captioned the video “Never compare trash with class!!! Even many of your female celebrities no reach”.

Days after he bragged online, a video of him boarding a commercial flight has surfaced. While there’s no time stamp on the video, the tattoo on his hand shows it’s a recent video. It was also gathered that it was a return flight to Lagos.

Watch the video below.

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