West Ham player, Kurt Ham risks prosecution and losing any animal in his custody if the petition against him succeeds.
As of the time of our checks, 119, 893 persons have signed the petition to prosecute Zouma on Change.org. The target is 150,000 signatures.
The petition partly read, “Shocking video footage shared on social media shows French international and West Ham footballer Kurt Zouma drop kicking and slapping his pet Bengal cat in the presence of both his brother and a young child (the example set?)
“Both Zouma and his brother can be heard laughing throughout the footage.
“The mere fact that Zouma considers this funny and worthy of sharing on the Snapchat platform shows his disdain for animals and leads us to wonder what happens to animals in Zouma’s ‘care’ privately?”
UK’s The Sun had shared a video of Zouma drop kicking his cat on Monday.
Following the backlash, Zouma apologised for his actions in a statement that read, “I want to apologise for my actions. There are no excuses for my behaviour, which I sincerely regret.”
His club have also condemned Zouma’s action.