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Rapper Naeto C's Wife, Nicole Chikwe Celebrates 34th Birthday With Stunning Photos

Nicole Chikwe, the wife of Nigerian rapper, Naeto C, turned 34 on 1st February 2022, and she released stunning new photos of herself posing to celebrate her day, IGBERETV reports.

She captioned the photos;

“Today is the birthday of the Pie-In-Chief of the Premium Pie Forces of Nigeria, Africa and Worldwide⁣⁣⁣
#33 was incredible, #34 please be good to me. ⁣⁣⁣
So grateful to be alive and healthy, to be in love and to be loved so deeply by my family and friends. ⁣⁣⁣
All I want to do is live a purposeful, impactful and beautiful life. I pray God continues to help me do that in 2022 and beyond.⁣⁣⁣
I love you, and thank you for everything #PremiumPieDay⁣⁣⁣
P.S- we’ve been celebrating all day (check my Stories!) and I want all Pies to tap in by posting a Deliciously Premium picture of themselves with the hashtag #PremiumPieDay ⁣⁣
You are now on Nickigram my people! ❤️⁣”


Anambra man of the year award
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